Dear Duke and Duchess of Sussex;
I owe you an apology.
It's not for missing your wedding; no, I attended, seated comfortably on my couch in my of millions.
It's not for falling asleep during the ceremony; no, even though I was up at 4:00 AM Mountain Time, I was definitely wide awake (otherwise, I would be apologizing for missing the Grand Event - I was, actually, thankful I had woken up and could tune in).
It's not for lack of noticing the details - my eyes literally soaked in everything. May I mention a few of my favorite things?
💗 The moment you first saw your bride, your Highness...your eyes said it all, no words were necessary...your great love was evident. Then, as you turned to look in her eyes, you said, "You look amazing!" (Oh, sigh...that was all that mattered to your bride - every woman longs to KNOW that her husband thinks she is beautiful, and, that he sees her as his beloved.)
💗 The sneak-side-peaks at one if you couldn't quite capture enough of the event, or of each other...and you were afraid you might lose the memory. I loved that you both seemed to be savoring the day... It made me smile...often.
"Someone once said that Jesus began the most revolutionary movement in all of human history: a movement grounded in the unconditional love of God for the world and a movement mandating people to live that love, and in so doing, to change not only their lives, but the very life of the world itself."
"Think and imagine a world when love is the way...Because when love is the way, we actually treat each other like we are a family. When love is the way, we know that God is the source of us all...and we are all brothers and sisters...children of God."
💗 Oh! The JOY of all who shared in the day...
My apology is for this:
I could not keep my MIND on the ceremony.
Everything I loved, sent my imagination soaring HEAVENWARD.
Everything I loved about your wedding, reminded me that there is coming a day when Jesus finally marries His bride, and we celebrate the event in a significant, marvelous ceremony that is incomparable in beauty, simplicity, and intimacy.
Every detail I have mentioned will all be a part of our wedding-to-be: beauty, passion, love, family, unity, peace, joy, and, a coming together of true brothers and sisters (children of God), from every tongue, tribe, and nation (a DAY where "love is the way," because LOVE will be present).
What I saw with my eyes was multiplied a thousand times more in my mind....and even that is just a drop in the bucket, I'm CERTAIN, of the actual upcoming marriage of Heaven's bride and groom.

I, also, apologize for this:
No matter how elegant, your wedding pales in comparison to what is ahead for me!
It was downright boring, in fact...
It was downright boring, in fact...
Your wedding was a simple fore-shadow of tomorrow's BETTER DAY.
It is an echo of the true and ultimate marriage-ceremony-to-come; because, what we experience on earth is just a taste of what is waiting for us in eternity...
So, I stopped thinking of you almost from the beginning. You ceased to exist. You were no longer the "stars of the show."
Your "day" became a day-of-imagining for me: IMAGINING THE INCREDIBLE WONDER of my upcoming wedding...using yours as only a banal image of WHAT WILL BE.
For this, I am sorry...................................................................................................................not sorry.
And, for those who might read this letter of apology, let me challenge you to begin now (!) basking in the GLORY OF WHAT WILL BE!
Don't worry, or use the excuse, that you might become "so heavenly minded, you're no earthly good."
I wouldn't be concerned...
it seems to me the more heavenly-minded we are, the more earthly good we will want to do.
I found myself charged, motivated, and ready to make a difference creating a mentality of hope for those around me - Christians and non-christian alike.
Here's to what I learned from your wedding:
We all need to commit to a little more mind-wandering, imagining of heaven....
It will be life-altering on earth, I have no doubt!
Oh Peg, I love this with all my heart!! I too sat and savoured each little detail with delight, and you have captured so many of them so beautifully here! But, I can't help thinking that an apology to the Royal Highnesses still pales to the joy you must have brought to His Majesty, the King of Kings, every time every little detail here directed your heart to "there" - where "no eye has seen, no ear has heard, no heart has imagined what God has prepared for those who love HIM!!" (1 Cor. 2:9) And not because we love Him ... but because He first loved us!!! His chosen bride!!!! I also loved the detail of the myrtle in Her Highness' bouquet, having just had our attention drawn to "myrtle" in Zechariah 1:11 by our Pastor - and how myrtle represents God's chosen people. Oh, for her heart - and ours! - to fully know the significance of that little sprig in her bouquet, to come before her true love .... as you did, as we all will. Oh, how my heart loves this reflection!!!
ReplyDeleteThank you for the reply, Japhia. I hadn’t picked up on the myrtle. How unique! How special! ❤️