A few weeks ago I traveled to Bali to speak at a retreat for women serving globally.
One of the things that struck me around the island were the numerous idols; but more even, the endless offerings and sacrifices that were left for these gods.
I never saw the gods receive the sacrifices, but the rodents certainly enjoyed them.
At night, the remnants would be picked up; then in the morning, new offerings were left.
It must be a hopeless feeling, to offer sacrifices to the gods who demanded them, but to never see them accepted and/or appreciated.
As I attempt to look a little more at my God's amazing love, His HESED, for His children exhibited in His character quality of being SLOW TO ANGER, we also need to look at this one thing that we may often forget about when we question whether this is quite true.
I closed last week's blog, by mentioning a haunting conversation with a young gal from a couple weeks ago, who declared to me, "I don't much like the God of the Old Testament, but I like Jesus. So, I will put all my emphasis on Him, and simply read the gospels."
She's not alone in her viewpoint, but, repeating what I see as a growing pattern of thought.
These folk struggle with labeling a mental file "SLOW-TO-ANGER" and filling it with some of the violence that God commands His people to commit. To these same folks, it comes in conflict with God's HESED - His lovingkindness/steadfast love.
Truth be told, I don't want to wrestle with hard-teachings; in fact, I wanted to handle this issue with a statement I read years ago from AW Tozer (Book: The Pursuit of God), and, have tucked into my front pocket:
"God will not hold us responsible to understand His mysteries of election, predestination, and His divine sovereignty. The best and safest way to deal with these truths is to raise our eyes to God and in deepest reverence say, 'O Lord, thou knowest.'"
This topic of whether our God really is slow-to-anger is one of those mysteries of divine sovereignty we will never fully understand...
...so, I'd prefer to throw up my hands - but...
Growth, including knowledge and wisdom, is always uncomfortable.
That puts me here, trying with best efforts, not to defend God's HESED that is longsuffering, but to understand it. Perhaps, even, to see it sorta-kinda from His perspective.
This is what I've been reminded of this week (in fact, the pastor include this in his message last Sunday)...
God is relational, and as you read Scripture, you can't help but see this fact throughout its entirety.
From the very beginning, He created a people, in His image, for fellowship; and, He's a jealous God (jealous in a good-way, not a sin-way) - jealous FOR His people.
But, from the earliest days of Adam and Eve onward, His people kept getting distracted and turning away from Him.
Maybe that's why one of His first commandments spoke to this problem (well, I know its why, because two verses later He introduces His jealousy):
You shall have no other gods before me (Exodus 20:3).
Yet, we see a cycle among the Israelites: they turn to God, declaring they will follow Him alone with all their hearts -------> God blesses them -------> They get comfortable, look around, get distracted by the other folks living around them, see their gods, start worshipping those gods -------> and, life starts crumbling around them -------> so, they cry, "HELP!" and, they return to God again...
This cycle continues over and over, and this is the common theme we read when God's folks got comfortable in His blessings, "The people did what was right in their own eyes (Judges 17:6, 21:25)."
Read those words again, "over and over, again and again, more (!) times (!) than (!) you (!) can (!) imagine (!)."
What if YOU were God?
I'm glad you aren't.
Just as you should be very glad I am not!
I know my patience with people is on a very short leash.
I know my heart.
What's in my heart comes out in the words I say.
What I would have said is, "Smite them all! Start over again!"
Oh, wait!
God did say that - - - - to Moses (read Numbers 14)!
Face-to-face (heart-to-heart, indicating deep intimacy in friendship) in the tabernacle, God said to Moses, "I'll just wipe these dull-minded people off the planet, and begin again with you."
And, while Moses is equally unhappy with these obstinate people he's been tasked to lead, Moses pleads with the Lord on their behalf.
He begs the Lord, according to His divine HESED.
After all, what will the people around us say about You, Lord, if you eliminate the very people you've set apart unto Yourself?
So, the Lord listens to Moses; or, was He testing Moses? I'm not sure which); either way, the Lord doesn't kill them all and begin again, even though...once again, this cycle continues among the children of Israel....and, the Lord continues to show His lovingkindness to them (His slow-to-anger-ness).
But, the biggest problem among His kids is that they keep on breaking that first commandment: they turn their back on THE LIVING GOD and turn to gods/idols made by the hands of man. God's that can't speak, can't hear, can't move, can't touch...CAN'T LOVE!
So, what's the answer?
As God in heaven watched from His Heavenly throne, this is what He saw:
He saw His children start walking in unbelief and turn toward the pagan gods.
Are you familiar with them? The gods?
They were endless in number.
Let's just take a look at one: Molech.
Molech demanded, as did all the other gods, sacrifices - some were food offerings; some were financial offerings; then there were sexual practices required; but, the BIG DEMAND, the BIG ASK from Molech was for the children.
Molech was a gruesome, demonic looking idol, a bronze furnace with a ramp running down his mouth into the flames; and, children of all ages were required to "pass through the fire" in order to appease Molech.
In the research I read, even newborn infants were wrapped and rolled into the mouth of the fire (unbelievably, Solomon built an altar to Molech near Jerusalem).
It is said that near the Hinnom Valley outside the city walls, a continuous beat of drums pounded in an attempt to drown out the infant screams.
As I read up on some of the idol worship, and the sacrifices demanded, I thought it no wonder, the Lord's patience began to run dry with his children, as the influence of the neighboring villagers and their gods turned their trust to unbelief.
So, as I researched these things and the endless list of idols who gave the One True God competition, then read of the wars, and the demands of God to wipe out the enemy living among them, I can begin to understand a little better why.
If His children wouldn't stop running to the idols about them, God would attempt to remove the idols and the idol worshippers distracting them, to remind them of one HUMONGOUS truth:
There is ONLY ONE GOD.
These words of Solomon, before his downfall, rang true then and ring true still today:
Lord God of Israel, there is no god like you in heaven or on earth, who keeps His covenant and HESED, with Your servants who walk before You with all their heart (2 Chronicles 6:14).
Above all, this must be remembered when we start critiquing whether God is truly slow to anger, or not.
There is but one God and He wants our whole heart.
He refuses to share it with another...
Oh, and by the way, Molech is still alive and well today.
Ponder this as we move forward in Lent.