Monday, September 3, 2012

I AM Changes i am: created with purpose

 Then God said, "Let us make man in our image, after our likeness. And let them have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the heavens and over the livestock and over all the earth and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth."   So God created man in his own image,
                        in the image of God he created him;
                                               male and female he created them.  (Genesis 1:26-27, ESV)

Year’s ago, The Who made popular a song we more recently know as the CSI theme song.  The refrain is fairly haunting, “Who Are You...Who? Who?”  The question crescendos with a scream, “I really want to know!” Even me!  I really want to know who I am; who God says we are.  I, too, want to have my theology match my reality.  So, as we begin start to dig into some identity truths, the best place to begin is at the beginning when God created the heaven’s and the earth... He didn’t just randomly decide to create.  God, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit molded man with purpose and clothed him in dignity. 

It’s important to take note of a couple of Hebrew words that are used in this passage.  First, the word that’s been translated God is “Elohim – meaning more than one, but less than many.”  In the beginning was “Elohim,” the Trinity (Genesis 1:1).  The “three-in-one” fellowshipped together in perfect unity.  They certainly didn’t NEED human beings, but Elohim created man because they desired to (Rev. 4:11).  Someone has said that we were created out of the Holy “Us of God” – out of fellowship for fellowship.

The second important word is the word translated image.  This word (tselem) means “a likeness; a resemblance; not an exact replication or duplication, but a shadow of the original.”  We were created to reflect the nature of God.  That’s exactly what Isaiah 43:7 says, “Everyone who is called by my name; whom I created for my glory.”  To give something glory simply means to reflect that one’s character.  We aren’t meant to be a perfect copy, but a representation of… 

These two critical components of this one verse tell me two things about “who you are”:

1)    It pleased God to create you! In fact, He knew He was going to make you before you were even a thought in your mother’s mind; from the beginning of time you were in His plan.  He knew what you would be like, the things you’d do and exactly who you would become – and still, the God of the Universe was pleased to bring you into this world.  You are His heart’s desire.

2)    You were created with a purpose in mind – to be an image-bearer of the Lord.  Think about that for a moment.  That’s a pretty grand purpose in light of whom you are representing.

3)    You were created to fellowship with the Deity.  The three-in-one enjoyed each other so much, they wanted more...and you were chosen! 

Here’s a little assignment.  Grab some 3 X 5 cards.  Write the following identity truths on them:

  1. I am His heart’s desire…
  2. I have an important reason for being alive – a master-plan purpose!
  3. I am created to be an image-bearer of the Lord!
  4. God longs to fellowship with me (His want-to is intimacy with his creation).

Now, pull those cards out regularly.  Read them carefully (when you can, read them aloud; maybe even shout them out loud, so it cements them in  your heart).  At the least, say them convincingly.  Allow your mind to engage your heart with what you are saying. Write about them in your journal.  Tell the Lord what comes to your mind in regards to these two thoughts – Now, share these truths with someone else who needs to hear them (I’m sure you can find someone!)…

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