Thursday, September 3, 2020

How Then Do We Live in Last Days? Keep a Routine!

Routine is everything to me. 

Especially a morning routine.

When my morning regime goes missing, so does settledness of soul. 

I need the rhythm of the everyday. 


A good long walk.

But, first (and before anything else) coffee...

(photo credit to my friend, Tammie Mitchell)

I've always said that not even Jesus wants to talk to me before coffee.

But, incredibly, astoundingly, unbelievably, implausibly (and whatever other adverb you can think of that is synonymous with "miraculously"), He does!

That opening verse up-top is certainly true for me.

It's a gift of grace.

One of my favorite gifts (not counting my salvation gift, of course)!

The Lord seems to "awaken my ear" and "instruct me."

God's word is my life-breath. 

His truth gives me direction.

He whispers to my soul, and "It is well..."when He does.


Surprisingly enough, it is the walking that cements God's spoken truths into my heart.

The Word of God may be my oxygen, but the walk is like having a fire ignited inside.

This little routine has been a part of my spiritual journey since moving to Africa in 1987...

It's a lot of years of walking...and, sometimes, I wonder the number of miles these feet have covered as I walk with the Lord in the cool of the morning. 

(Maybe the Lord is keeping count and will tell me one day in heaven. After all, if He knows the number of hairs on my head...)


I think the Apostle Paul may have felt the same way.

His feet, too, did a lot of walking.

Way more than I have done.

It was his primary means of travel.


God-whispers to his heart seemed to be his life-blood, as well.

As, he prepares to depart from this world, his last letter to Timothy reminds this young man to treat the Scriptures with care.

He uses pretty urgent and emphatic words as he exhorts Timothy to grab hold of the mantle he will soon inherit.

Here are some of Paul's Words about Scripture in 2 Timothy:

Don't be ashamed of God's Testimony

Entrust what has been given

Commit yourself to it

Know it

Hold it firmly and faithfully

Conscientiously deliver it to others

Keep it

Guard it

Live it out

Teach it

Entrust it to others

Preach it

Proclaim it

Publish it

Handle it accurately

Correct others using it, gently and patiently (with kindness)

Continue to learn it

Be trained by it

Be strengthened by it


Why this big emphasis; this huge push; this urgent appeal at the end of his life? He reminds Timothy....

Many have turned away from the sincere truths of the Word of God, deserted Paul, and the faith.

Paul's heart-break over the churches he founded, his concerns over the converts, and the myths being taught to "tickle the ears of the hearers" run deep.

Reading 2 Timothy, one gets a sense of his brokenness.

The Word, he knows from experience (and Paul only had the Old Testament...he had no clue his letters would become "the word" for all of us), sustains the soul and produces a deeper work of God within believers!

The Word is the power of God unto salvation

The Lord uses it to "fan into flame" our spiritual gifting

It will help us endure persecution

It is a treasure above none other

The Word keeps us steadfast and faithful

The Truth refreshes our souls

No matter what (in spite of us), the Word of God is never bound - it will endure to the end and beyond...

It is filled with faithful sayings

God uses His Word to bring people to their senses... it, in these last days, some will escape from the snare of the devil...

Mostly, these God-breathed whispers:

Are profitable for teaching, rebuking and correcting....

They train us for righteousness...

And, they bring us to maturity,

Equipping us for EVERY GOOD WORK!

As the Apostle Paul awaits his departure from this earth to a heavenly one, he asks for four things (for certain we know as one gets closer to death, that which is most important rises to the surface of the heart).

He wants Timothy to come to him - he is all the "family" Paul has left.

He wants his heavy coat - oh, the humanity of Paul! He's cold in that damp, miserable cell. 

He wants his scrolls - undoubtedly his copy of God's Word!

And, he asks for his parchments - so, he can write out his thoughts.

Oh, Paul...I'm right there with ya.

If I'm ever imprisoned for my faith, please (you - my family in Christ) bring me a bible, some paper and a pen!

After all, His Word is MY OXYGEN!

And, today, if you don't have one, let me encourage you to find a sweet and sacred rhythm of routine for your own life that it may be well with your soul!

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