Thursday, June 27, 2024

Sorrow and Suffering: What We Don't See, Part 2


This past weekend, I had the privilege of speaking up in Maine at Living Waters Bible Camp.

Believe me, the setting was magical...

...the women eager to hear from the Lord...

...the worship incredible...

...the weather perfect...

...and, I spent most of my "free" time in bed.

Somehow, a stomach virus found me as I passed through airports, visited rental car companies, and one hotel on my way Northeast. 

I was totally fine on Thursday (travel day), Friday (driving north from Portland, and for the first speaking session), but woke up Saturday with this BUG and a slight fever (chills). 

I looked again at the schedule, praying it changed during the night, but, nope, three different speaking sessions graced the day ahead: 8:30 AM, 11:00 AM, and 2:00 PM. 

I wondered how in the world I'd run this marathon with energy, passion, enthusiasm, and clarity?

No way, but oNe WaY: The sustaining power of the Spirit of the Lord.

While this sickness can't be put into the category of intense suffering and sorrow, it became a reminder to me of what we don't see, but need to remember in the midst of these seasons of difficulty.

The Lord is aLwAyS WITH us.

Had it not been for His amazing power, His infused strength, and His ability to speak through weak, dependent, totally empty (believe me - empty in EVERY WAY) vessels, my trip to Maine might have been a disaster.

Instead, it became a vibrant reminder that while we don't always see Him in the midst, He is vividly at work and with us. 

Bay sent out messages.

People around me prayed.

My prayer warriors around the world prayed.

My family prayed.

And, God answered - I finished all three sessions with clarity and with a "degree" of energy, AND as an added bonus the Lord met each one of us there in that little chapel at our point of need. 

Today's message is short.

Yet, sometimes in the midst of our trials, it's a message we forget.


In fact, I showed the ladies this little diagram as a reminder to tuck in their pockets - it is not rocket science, but it has the power to help us endure and not quit in the midst of suffering seasons.

There I am... As a Jesus Follower...

I am in Jesus, my Savior and Lord...

He is in God the Father, the Sovereign King of the Universe...

...and the Spirit of God is within me to teach, to empower, to enlighten, to guide, to comfort... 



His presence goes with you wherever you are. 

With this, I close with the following quote. I've used it before many times, but it is a perfect reminder as we close.

There is nothing…no circumstance, no trouble, no testing, that can ever touch me, until, first of all, it has gone past God and past Christ, right through to me. If it has come that far, it has come with great purpose, which I may not understand at the moment. BUT as I refuse to become panicky, as I lift up my eyes to Him, and accept it as coming from the throne of God for some great purpose of blessing to my own heart, no sorrow will ever disturb me, no trial will ever disarm me, no circumstance will cause me to fret. For I shall rest in the joy of who my God is!!!


Enjoy your Fourth of July! There will be no blog next week, as I intend to enjoy the whole week with my family being in town. 

Join me in celebration of our freedom.


  1. Oh golly! That sounds both miserable and beautiful at the same time! I love that you experienced the provision of our Abba which not only sustains but overflows!! He is so good to us.

  2. Peg, I’m so thankful God gave you the strength to share the words that he gave you for the group. Thank you for these words of wisdom. Love ya!

  3. Thank you for reposting the quote. I’m going to repeat it to myself every day!
