Thursday, February 6, 2025

The End.

I just re-read last week's blog post, which actually concluded a look into the life of John the Baptist. 

Living with John in my head for a significantly long time, I've examined what the life of a Jesus-follower might look like as we live between two Advents, one that was and one to come. 

John's life role-modeled "LIVING IN THE WAITING" incredibly well. 

Allow me to summarize the last four months of blogs with THE SHORT LIST.

This "Miracle of Mercy," created in the image of God (as all of us are), and, born to Elizabeth and Zechariah at the end of 400-years-of-darkness (God's silence) showed us:

A faithfulness in living life solely for the glory of God.

A commitment to serve and surrender (even unto death) - mixed together with a large dash of boldness, courage, humility (He must increase, while I decrease), contentment (to be upfront or behind-the-scenes), and with an enduring stubbornness.

A willingness to be "different" - odd for God's sake, uncompromising, feisty, often misunderstood.

A determination to walk daily in his purpose - preparing the way for the Savior who will come again, leveling the path for His arrival, being an instrument of THE WORD (a voice of TRUTH), and allowing the Lord to use us as a window into HIS HEART FOR ALL MANKIND (to allow THE ONE WHO IS THE LIGHT TO SHINE THROUGH TO A LOST WORLD).

A celebration of joy (in spite of the difficulties) - talk about living with HOPE, John leapt for joy over Jesus before he was even born, and continued leaping with peace and hope throughout his life. He was what Augustine called an "Easter People," even before there was a Resurrection (and, HALLELUJAH was his song).

A confidence in whose he was and who he was - John knew his identity as he was taught by his parents at a young age, then went forth, and radiantly lived it out.

I'm absolutely challenged by John's enigmatic and intriguing life; utterly convicted by this mysterious figure who, in reality, was the last of the Old Testament prophets. 

Each of the above list has become for me a prayer of my heart. Each morning I ask the Lord to remind me throughout the day exactly what it means to live faithfully committed, walking out my calling with steadfastness and confidence, but most of all living in celebration ("internally leapy" with Great Joy) over the Lamb of God, who took away my sins.


Two other things jump out at me about the life that John the Baptist lived, and, which I believe are critical for those of us who want to pilgrimage well all the way heavenward on this path of life...

One of those is the strong belief that John lived out his name... 

John: God is a gracious giver. 
"The Lord gives grace."

So, every time he walked into a room, people were reminded of the character and the grace of God. 

Is this true of us? When we walk into a room, and people recognize us by name, are they reminded of the Lord? 

I constantly pray the Lord shows me every single way I obscure His name.

The other is a recognition that John the Baptist was not perfect. 

He certainly was great (even Jesus said so), but he was human, which means he was inherently flawed. 

I love that the Lord gives us a peek into the weakness of this Biblical character, especially into his doubts and discouragement. 

I'm reminded not to expect perfection in my own life, reveal my vulnerabilities, and, learn from them...

I'm also reminded not to expect perfection in others, and, to allow room for God to work in the hearts of those living in confusion and doubts, as well (and I pray they will grant me the same grace). 

We live in an era, where we need more willing, passionate, faithful followers who live life with the same intent of this incredible figure, preparing the way for the gospel of Jesus Christ. 

This is where I need to put one last period on the life of John the Baptist.

What a guy!

The End.

New "focus" next week.

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